How to Break Free From Limiting Beliefs

And Open Yourself up to a New World of Possibilities.

Grace Ekoh
6 min readMar 21, 2023
Photo by Tony Rojas on Unsplash

Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts and assumptions that you hold about yourself, others, or the world around us, that keep us from achieving your goals and realizing your full potential. These beliefs are often thoughts and assumptions that have been deeply ingrained in your mind from past experiences, social conditions and other external factors.

Limiting beliefs becomes evident when you display self-doubt, fear, or lack of confidence, and this impacts every area of your life. It keeps you in the same spot overthinking and analyzing rather than taking action.

Thankfully, it is possible to break free from these beliefs and it begins by acknowledging those beliefs that have held you down and taking conscious steps to rid your mind of them.

The Power of Beliefs

Beliefs are not just thoughts; they are assumptions, statements etc that you have accepted to be true regardless of facts or evidence. They are powerful and they shape your reality. Your beliefs influence your thoughts, emotions, and actions, and they create your reality. Your beliefs can either empower or limit you; they can either help us achieve your goals or hold you back from them.



Grace Ekoh

Writer & introvert | Unveiling life's gems through captivating tales | Empowering, enlightening, and entertaining readers one story at a time.